- everyman
- n рядовой человек, всякий и каждый
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
Everyman — (engl., spr. éwwerĭ män, »Jedweder«), englische Moralität, aufgebaut auf der indischen Parabel von den Freunden in der Not. Der Mensch, den der Tod antritt, wird verlassen von Kameraden, Familie, Hab und Gut; nur die guten Werke, die er geübt,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Everyman — [ evrɪmæn], Titel der bekanntesten englischen Moralität aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts, Jedermann … Universal-Lexikon
everyman — name of the leading character in a popular 15c. morality play; from EVERY (Cf. every) + MAN (Cf. man) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
Everyman — ► NOUN ▪ an ordinary or typical human being … English terms dictionary
Everyman — [ev′rē man΄] n. [often e ] a person or fictional character regarded as representing the human race or the common person … English World dictionary
Everyman — (ca. 1485) Generally conceded to be the finest example of the type of late medieval drama known as a MORALITY PLAY, Everyman (or, more properly, The Summoning of Everyman) was produced between 1485 and 1500. As is the case with all moralities … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Everyman — Première page d une édition imprimée d Everyman, vers 1500 Everyman (The Somonyng of Everyman, ou La Semonce de Tout Homme) est une pièce de théâtre en moyen anglais composée à la fin du XVe siècle et dont l auteur est inconnu. Il s agit d une… … Wikipédia en Français
Everyman — For other uses, see Everyman (disambiguation). In literature and drama, the term everyman has come to mean an ordinary individual[1][2], with whom the audience or reader is supposed to be able to identify easily, and who is often placed in… … Wikipedia
everyman — [[t]e̱vrimæn[/t]] N SING Everyman is used to refer to people in general. If you say, for example, that a character in a film or book is an everyman, you mean that the character has experiences and emotions that are like those of any ordinary… … English dictionary
everyman — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Everyman, allegorical character in The Summoning of Everyman, 15th century English morality play Date: 1906 the typical or ordinary person … New Collegiate Dictionary
Everyman — /ev ree man /, n. 1. (italics) a 15th century English morality play. 2. (usually l.c.) an ordinary person; the typical or average person. pron. 3. everybody; everyone. [EVERY + MAN1] * * * ▪ English morality play an English morality play of … Universalium